Well, even though I worked so very hard on my Star Craft Project, which was gonna be my biggest project EVER. I was putting enormous amounts of effort into it, and yet my old computer crashed and my flash files got deleted as my computer died out on me.
I was gonna quit flash completely, seeing that I don't come home for weeks, and when I do come home, its only to sleep the night. So there was no point for me to start flash again, I was always out, and I had no interest in flash anymore after I lost my best work.
But recently I got lazy, and don't feel like doing too much except just sitting around at home. So now I spend maybe 4/7 days at home, and Im running out of things to do on my computer, and I was looking around on newgrounds and stumbled on a collab I participated in, and all I wanted to do was to make flash again, this time in a way that I express myself.
So I guess this is me saying that my project is dead, and most likely never coming back. BUT im back on NG for now and happy to be that way. :D
I had this problem many times.
But i`am back and i live in NG.
These are my homes :)
And common start make some moive about starcraft.
i know you lose your movie.
But make another, and make it better than that one.